Personal Growth Challenge Books for this 2022

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Hello Readers, it’s finally that time of the year when we love taking stock of what we have loved and hated throughout the year, and so I am here to talk about all the wonderful books and series that helped me get through the year from hell that has been 2021. But I am feeling too out of sorts to choose which ones I love more than others, so here’s the list of the Best Books that helps you to grow your personality this year. It may be that you have read some of these books, but we would request you to read that book once again. I am just going to list out all of them in the order in which I read them. Let’s get started and I hope you enjoy reading this post !!!!

Month 1 The Art of Happiness
The Art of Happiness

In this unique and important book, one of the world’s great spiritual leaders offers his practical wisdom and advice on how we can overcome everyday human problems and achieve lasting happiness. The Art of Happiness is a highly accessible guide for a western audience, combining the Dalai Lama’s eastern spiritual tradition with Dr. Howard C. Cutler’s western perspective. Covering all key areas of human experience, they apply the principles of Tibetan Buddhism to everyday problems and reveal how one can find balance and complete spiritual and mental freedom. For the many who wish to understand more about the Dalai Lama’s approach to living, there has never been a book that brings his beliefs so vividly into the real world.

Month 2 What to Say When you talk to yourself

We all talk to ourselves all of the time, usually without realizing it. And most of what we tell ourselves is negative, counterproductive, and damaging…preventing us from enjoying a fulfilled and successful life.
Shad Helmsetter’s simple but profound techniques, based on an understanding of the processes of the human brain, have enabled thousands of people to get back in control of their lives.
By learning how to talk to yourself in new ways, you will notice a dramatic improvement in all areas of your life. You will feel better and accomplish more. It will help you achieve more at work and at home, lose weight, overcome fears, stop smoking and become more confident. And it works.
Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D., is a bestselling author of many personal growth books, and the leading authority in the field of Self-Talk.

Month 3 The Science of Getting Rich
The Science of Getting Rich

This is Wallace D. Wattles’s brilliant, yet simple guide to wealth and success. He dedicated his life to analyzing and refining the principles of achievement that were put forth by the greatest minds in history. Now you too, can prosper from Wattles exact science as you learn:
Why does creativity matter more than the competition?
How to Change your life by changing your thoughts?
How to manage stress and self-defeating impulses that hold you back?
Why passion leads to achievement?
How to combine mental powers with practical abilities?
To appreciate the opportunities that await you?
How to attract the prosperity you deserve?

Make the contribution to the world that only you can make, and enjoy the abundance you’ll receive in return. It will be a remarkable journey of rejuvenation and self-discovery. WALLACE D. WATTLES was an American author and a pioneer success writer. His most famous work is The Science of Getting Rich.

Month 4 The 5 AM Club

Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity, and part companion for a life lived beautifully, the 5 am club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.
Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5 AM Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health, and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

The 5 AM Club
Month 5 Rich Dad Poor Dad
Rich Dad Poor Dad

It has since become the #1 Personal Finance book of all time… translated into dozens of languages and sold around the world.

Month 6 As a Man Thinketh

Lucidly written, As a Man Thinketh gracefully presents the core principles that one needs to follow in order to transform one’s life’s circumstances. Regarded as a timeless classic, the book is a must-read for everyone!

 As a Man Thinketh
Month 7 The Power of Habit
The Power of Habit
Month 8 Zero to One
Zero to One
Month 9 Creativity Inc
Creativity Inc.
Month 10 Money Ball
Month 11 The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Month 12 Psychopath Free
Psychopath Free

ll around us, every single day, human beings devoid of empathy are wreaking havoc and destroying lives in the coldest, most heartless ways imaginable. In constant pursuit of money, sex, influence, or simple entertainment, psychopaths will do whatever it takes to gain power over others. They hide behind a veil of normalcy, arranging their friends and partners like pawns in a game of chess. Using false praise and flattery to get what they want, they can lure any unsuspecting target into a relationship.
Once hooked, their charming promises spin into mind games and psychological torture. Victims are left devastated and confused, unable to recognize or even put into words the nightmare that just took place.
This significantly expanded edition of Psychopath Free contains new chapters, updated content, and real survivor experiences. Written from the heart, it is the first guide for survivors written by a survivor, offering hope for healing and thriving after psychopathic abuse. Say goodbye to the chaos, self-doubt, and victimization. You are free.
